Roscoe Village Hot Dogs vs. The Rockpile
Hoosier Heat vs. Cornholers
CO Yankees vs. Year2000!
Jimmy's Daddy vs. The SwinGERS
Clark & Addison vs. Salt Creek Sluggers
Client #9 vs. Tallcorn Cobras
Hope everyone has a great opening day. Anyone taking off? Going to a game? I'm stuck driving to Elgin (and I know 3K and The Ger are stuck at work).
Let's be sure to make use of Twitter this season. I saw a few guys on last night, pretty fun to follow the games and talk trash at the same time.
I'm not "stuck" at work. I chose to be at work after PG and Ger backed out like a couple of sallie's.
No worries though, I have the flat-screen on the wall in the office and am telling my assistant only to bother me if it is important. The question remains do I buy a sixer at lunch and really make the experience complete?
I don't know why you have to wait until lunchtime for that sixer, 3k.
The answer to that question is YES.
Also, if you are on twitter, I created this group: http://twitter.com/JasonGerwig/pgsportsworld.
I added everyone in the league who has an account, if you are in this group, it allows you to see what everyone's posting with others getting in the way. Just thought I'd give it a shot.
As I'm sure everyone now knows (or will soon), I have started a facebook page for the league. Just another way to find out what's going on/trash talk/etc. I don't have a facebook page for Rocky Mike or Mr. Hackman so if anyone is their facebook friend, let me know.
I dont have a facebook account...yet.
So I heard a little rumor that my first round selection debuted in a BIG way.
Forgot to mention guys, now that the Yankmes ended the dreaded ARod's Pussy Slap curse, the 2K's have undergone a marketing change and will now be known as The Fenway Franks. You can get your Franks memorabilia at all Opening Week contests against the CO Yankmes.
Shit, just realized the close relation to the RV Hot Dogs team name - any similarities are purely coincidental. (Go easy on my PG, all creativity has been sucked out of my by the fluorescent lighting in this corporate world I am trying to readapt to...)
No worries, Fenway Ed, if Fenway Franks weren't so good (and they are)...I would take issue. With the exception of the slice of bread fashioned into a bun, they're a-ok with me
Cant wait for the Fenway Franks Sucks t shirts soon to be ready at all CO Yankees home games...
Truth be told, Fen Ed, I was taking Heyward with my first pick if he was there. Good pick up...
Thanks Yankee Mike for confirming I am not a complete moron. I think PG and 3K nearly lost it when I made that pick.
I still contend that taking Heyward in the 1st round is a tad premature. Sure he pissed all over a Zambrano flat fastball yesterday, but so did everyone else.
3K I didn't draft him in Round 1 because I thought he would help this year - I am making a long term investment that he will be of value over the next three. I thought he was a better deal given what was available at the time than drafting one of the people who was available. Risky yes but there is a lot of upside.
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