Clark & Addison-3
As close as it can get on the hitting side, not so much on the pitching side. A power shortage on both sides, but overall, both teams are hitting the ball well. Hanley Ramirez continues to prove his worth, providing consistent production for the Hot Dogs. Same can be said for Ryan Howard for Clark & Addison, a monster. I wonder if the numbers would be different if The Railsplitter actually had a backstop that played? C&A has 5 more starts this week to turn things around. This one is far from over, so stay tuned.
The Rockpile-5
Jimmy's Daddy-5
Great matchup here, two premier teams going at it early. And it's a statistics bonanza. Hef is touting a .438 average (are you kidding me?), with Rocky Mike a lap behind at .321. I love Benji Molina's batting average this week, .857, too funny! The Daddy's have 1, count em, 1 player hitting under .300 this week. Plenty of fight left in these two dogs, looking forward to watching this one play out.
Salt Creek Sluggers-6
The SwinGERS-3
Somebody turn on the lights!! The SwinGERS can't see the baseball!! After getting off to a good start in week 1, the SwinGER guns have gone silent. Meanwhile, Linc is putting the GER is Slugger baby, yeah!! 9 bombs, 29 RBI, and a .321 average. Chase Utley, Carlos Pena, BJ Upton, CQ, Jeets, everyone's dropping bombs. It's like Dresden all over again. The Ger is going to need some good outings to stave off an absolute massacre. He's off to a good start, and has Danny Haren, Lohse, and Big Z going today, Beckett tomorrow, and Wainwright on Sunday. All he needs is for Matt Holliday to get a hit and he'll be in business.
The Fenway Franks-1
I'm keeping close tabs on this one, as both are notoriously big trash talkers. One (Cornholers) prefers the scorched earth route while the other (Fenway Franks) takes the passive-aggressive approach. I'm surprised there hasn't been any smack laid down thus far (wait, yes I can, nobody reads the blog). Despite the score, the only category I see locked up is stolen bases, so it's anyone's ballgame. Kendry Morales and "Accidental Second Baseman" Placido Polanco are provided most of the juice for the Cornholers and James Loney having a week for the Franks. Fenway Ed hasn't unleashed Doc Hallady or Johan yet, so numbers are going to move this weekend. Come on, fellas, sound off!!! The Cornholer-Frank rivalry is PG's equivalent to Red Sox-Yankees, Gatti-Ward, Jon and Kate, Larusso-Lawrence, let's see some fireworks.
Tallcorn Cobras-5
CO Yankees-5
Nice little matchup we have going here, with T-Dub showing more of the magic stick than Yankee Mike. But this one is far from over. Is there a bigger monster right now than Nelson Cruz? Dude is a faux-teed manchild!! As is Pujols and Joe Mauer (well played, Joe Mauer). Yankee Mike has to be concerend about the 5 RBI he has collected all week. His other numbers look relatively stable, but the lack of run production could be an issue come Sunday.
Client #9-9
Hoosier Heat-0
Could we have our first skunk of the season? It's a definite possibility. Baby Bisho is absolutely brow beating Mr. Hackman, pretty ugly stuff. Matt Kemp, Brian McCann, and Shin Soo Choo are leading this hit parade. Client #9 hits paydirt with Neftali Feliz, with 2 saves on the week (especially vexing for Hoosier Heat, who has Frank Francisco pulling splinters from his keister). Keep your eye on this one fellas, Peppy LePeau could be rearing his ugly head.
Hard to talk trash when both of us could be getting our asses kicked if we weren't going up against one another - have you seen our ERA's and WHIP's?
I will say that I certainly hope the Ramirez brothers stop butt-fucking each other and start hitting the ball.
As for the trashtalk, now that 3K has dropped Pierre I'm searching. Can't really talk trash when you are getting your ass kicked by a guy who did his draft while getting a sponge bath and sipped his Stella Artois through a straw.
Ah, the opening salvo...beautiful.
I dropped the first bomb via text last night when I stated "that Grand Slam by Quentin off Morrow had to hurt". At the time Fenway Ed didn't know what was going on...
Hard to trash talk when your opponent is ambivalent on his team and mine.
What I can say is that the pitching stat's will be closer, and better come end of the week. I can only hope that Halladay lays an egg, Johan I'm not as concerned about. Meanwhile I'm hoping to ride a strong outing from DLR.
Truth be told this contest shouldnt' be as close, stat's wise, as it is. My team hasn't hit yet, and as evident by last week's hitting the bats will come around. I feel a decisive win coming....
Like my guys are hitting lights out 3K? It's not like my line-up is comprised of over the hill Yankees who peaked five years ago. Yeah, you heard that right Yankee Mike!
It's a good thing I am going out of town and will be away from the computer for three days, PG got me all riled up!
As opposed to the poster boy for "over the hill" ballplayers, your buddy Big Pop-Up (or The Big K, as I now call him).
And in case anyone wants to know, Kung Fu Panda is currently hitting .308 on the week with 2 runs scored.
Fenway Ed conveniently going into hiding, without access to technology for the next few days. In the great big world of connectivity, Fenway Ed has found the only job that still lives and dies with microfiche.
And no Ed your guys aren't hitting lights out. It is more like they're trying to hit without the lights on! I have to say, the Fenway Franks is one of the weaker offenses in our league. As evident by their combined .218 batting average in this young season.
I guess the real question here is how the heck did the Franks beat up on COY last week?
Brutal, my bats need to wake up in a hurry.
Great post, 3K....solid submission. Microfiche, HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHHAHAAHAHAH!!!!
I have been asking the same question all week 3K. Its like one team going 8 and 0 against another to start the season and then losing the head to head match up and watching that team win another World Series...
HEY OH!!!!!!!!!!
In case anyone is wondering, Yankee Mike is referring to the 2009 New York Yankees.
It's "Pile it on Ed" week at PG World. Hey PG, I hope we're converting this blog into slides for Ed's viewing at a later date!
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