Clark & Addison-3
An instant classic (especially if you're PG). The Hot Dogs and C&A headed into Sunday night's Mets-Cards game with C&A all tied up. The entire week turned into Jason Bay vs. Colby Rasmus. With one swing of the bat (a three run homer) by Colby Rasmus, the Hot Dogs overtook home runs 6 to 5 and RBI's 28-26. Ironically, it was Rasmus' only hit of the week, going 1 for 18. That's right, one swing can mean the difference in a 5-5 stalemate and a 7-3 beating. Welcome to Sportsworld, Clark and Addison!
Jimmy's Daddy-6
The Rockpile-4
The Daddy's bounce back after a tough week to beat the highly touted Rockpile. The Daddy's put together a great combination of power and speed, and carried the day despite The Rockpile almost running the table on the mound (including a no-no from Ubaldo). I said it last week and i'll say it again, how awesome is Rocky Mike's pitching staff? Great stat matchup was the stolen base category, which Hef won by a score of 8-7 (including 4 from Ryan Theriot alone). Dan Uggla provided some great production for The Rockpile, while .800 hitter Benji Molina ended up at .529 for the Daddy's.
Salt Creek Sluggers-6
The SwinGERS-4
I liked this matchup because the seemingly outmatched, outplayed SwinGERS were able to cobble together a relatively close matchup, and averted absolute disaster. Consider, the sluggers absolutely mauled The Ger in homers 17-2, RBI 45-16, and Runs 34-27. Linc was also able to win 6 games, have an ERA of 2.18 and a WHIP of 1.02. Sounds like a skunk right? Wrong! The SwinGERS bested the SCS by putting up a 2.16 ERA and an amazing 1.00 WHIP. Add a 3-1 win in the saves category, and you've got yourself a game. A valiant effort by The SwinGERS, but the Salt Creek blitzkrieg was just too much. Chase Utley hit 5 homers last week for Linc, unbelievable!
The Fenway Franks-6
Take cover, 3K, I believe the trash talk is headed your way. A relatively close match at the plate, but a different story on the mound. The Cornholer rotation has to be giving 3K agita, with Jon Lester being an utter disappointment thus far. Homer Bailey has proven to be a bust, and Jorge de la Rosa wasn't able to replicate his first stellar outing against San Diego. All Fenway Ed needed was Doc Halladay, Johan, and Ricky Nolasco to put to stable numbers (which they did) to carry him across the finish line. A stat to note is the stolen base category, with The Cornholers garnering 8 this week. Quite impressive.
CO Yankees-6
Tallcorn Cobras-3
Nice win for Yankee Mike, who climbs back to .500 heading into week 3. Speed and pitching was the name of this game. Stealing bases, scoring runs, and solid pitching was the winning formula for the CO Yankees. Meanwhile, T-Dub followed up a monster week one with a flat out disappointing performance in week 2. The Rollins injury certainly hurts, as does the Scott Kazmir outing vs. the real New York Yankees. The CO Yankees received great production out of rookie Austin Jackson and youngster Elvis Andrus. What a shame they were riding pine.
Client #9-7
Hoosier Heat-3
An overall solid week by the Fighting Spitzers against an anemic Hoosier Heat. Shin Soo Choo and Matt Kemp lead Client #9 at the plate, with a combined 7 bombs, 19 RBI and 2 stolen bases. Client #9 remains 2.5 games behind the Fenway Franks, while Mr. Hackman is hovering around .500 at the bottom of PG West.
I can't believe the score was even this close for the SwinGERS. On Wednesday I was hoping for a blindfold and a cigarette.
Simply stated the slow start by the 3K's is a direct result of Jon Lester's inability to stop the bleeding. Here is a front-line, lefty starter who has been giving up runs at an amazing pace. Fuckin' Red Sox blow-ass.
A lot of guys hitting in the .100's by the end of the week for my anemic ballclub. The only saving grace is that failed Baltimore closer, Mike Gonzalez, got hurt thus not being able to pull the ERA and WHIP further into the hole.
I am however optimistic for the new week, as I have Alex Gordon and Lance Berkman both returning from the DL, have picked up 2-0 Colby Lewis on a flyer, and am finally hoping to see Conor Jackson start to pay dividends from my original draft of him in 2009!
Speaking of Berkman....I am willing to listen to offers.
If it weren't for Jimmy's Daddy "Tecmo Week" at the plate, I would have prevailed.
By the way, I hate Big Tex for his inability to swing the bat like a major league baseball player in April.
Let's just say the bigger shock than coming home from a weekend away from the computer to find my 1-8-1 record had changed to 6-2-2 was that my ERA and WHIP had come down considerably. If I had only started Ducherer instead of Cueto or Marrow I would have beaten Cornholers by more!
When's the fantasy football draft?
I purposely held off the smack talk, although deeply tempted, fearing a come back in the pitching categories and low and behold my fears were realized.
I'm hoping the Sluggers didn't blow their HR load last week. Upton's HR on day one is reassuring. Too bad this isn't a rotisserie league!
I'm defeated by one Colby Rasmus hit? I fear this matchup has set the tone for the season in Clark & Addisonville.
My pitching staff is being held together via McGruber-like craftsmanship. Not that anyone would be interested, but I'm listening to offers.
On another note, New Linc is moving this weekend to Bloomington, IL and I was wondering about the status of his nickname. I see it is only fair that the lone McCreery living in Lincoln re-assume his rightful "Linc" nickname. Can I get a ruling on this?
New Linc and Old Linc, you must promise that you will abide by my decision, no matter how unjust it may seem to either of you.
Each of you has a seemingly legitimate claim to the nickname. And yet the nickname can have only one rightful owner. Quite the conundrum.
Alright, let's begin.
On the one hand, Old Linc, your promise to give up your name was given in haste. But was it not still a promise?
And, New Linc, you did provide residency in exchange for the nickname. But, does the residency, once established, not entitle Old Linc to some assurance of permanancy? Hmm? Huh? Ahh. These were not easy questions to answer.
Not for any man...
But I have made my decision...
Only the nickname's true owner would rather give it away than see it come to harm. Old Linc, the name is yours!
In the words of Kenny Powers, "You're fucking out, New Linc!"
This was great entertainment! Its really like a soap opera, Old Linc out, New Linc's the man, then New Linc makes a bad decision and he's out and old Linc's on top again. Rivoting and decisive decision making, PG, well articulated. The blog seems to be back strong ... how many weeks do we give it?
Fuck I'm lost.
So let me get this straight. Linc became Old Linc when I became New Linc. Then Old Linc became Railsplitter but I stayed New Linc. Then due to my move to Bloomington Linc, now Old Linc, formerly Railsplitter retroactively reverts back to Linc? Or is it New Linc?
Regardless, what am I called now?
I need a beer!
ummmmmmmmmmmm...... I really am lost on this one...
And I thought the hot dog references were confusing.
All I can think about is the Seinfeld episode where Elaine and Kramer are sitting in front of Newman while awaiting his verdict on the rightful owner of the banana-seated bycicle.
I can only assume that left with such an odd case, PG must have hit the law books looking for a case of reference. Fell upon Newman's ruling, in the case of Benes vs. Kramer and was astute enough to realize a precedent had been set for "true ownership".
I believe the letter of the law had been followed, PG was decisive and informed in his ruling, and the rightful "Linc" has been resurrected.
My only question is if we can call the former New Linc, "Bloomie" from now on!!
For the record I'll accept the mantle of "Bloomie" but not "Bloomers".
Great observation, 3K. Yes, I did research some case law on the matter and decided that Kramer v. Benes was the most germane.
Chief Justice Newman rendered a fair verdict and I believe my verdict was in keeping with the spirit of the law.
Ironically, the only attorney in our league is the person whom the verdict adversely impacted, Counselor Bloomie.
Point of clarification, Hef is an attorney as well. If anyone is in need of his services, he will take a closer as a retainer fee.
I just want to give Ryan his prop's for quoting Kenny Powers. It didn't go unnoticed
I appreciate the shout out, 3k. I thought my Kenny Powers-ism fell on deaf ears.
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