Ok, I hope everyone is ready for the draft this Sunday. 3 days till the big show. Reminder, the draft is Sunday, March 28th at 8PM (CENTRAL STANDARD TIME).
So far I have only received a check from Jimmy's Daddy and The SwinGERS, so get those checks in fellas.
We'll use this as a draft day open thread. The Ger has the first pick of the draft, followed by yours truly and Mr. 3000. Should be an interesting, strategic draft. Looking forward to it.
Fuck this draft and its crappy serpentine style. I'm against it, was always against it and if I happen to win the entire league this year I will be the first to suggest a revamped draft style for next season.
OK, I'm done. I wanted to get that off my chest and I will not bring up the draft situation for the rest of the season.
I am looking forward to the draft and I certainly hope that all team owners will do everything in their power to be available for a live draft. It makes it so much more fun when all is present and there is no auto-draft.
Maybe The Ger wants to release his pick early???
Still haven't settled on my first pic yet.
2 teams are in talks that could shake up the 1st round of Sunday's draft.
Rumorville II
There are two other teams having discussions about player and draft pick exchanges.
What shitty sources... at least throw some names out there..
Lets Go Yankees!!!!!
Yeah, we're gonna need a little more than that, Michael Sneed (Chicago reference, sorry).
Special thanks to Hef and one half of the Brothers McCreery (that would be Shane, I think), for getting your checks in.
From the commish...
"A lot has been said about the league's finances, so 3K and I propose instituting a system for payments. The initial $100 will be due BEFORE draft day (which is at the end of March so I don't see it being a problem). Those who do not pay before draft day will not be able to draft (and their team will go to autodraft). Hopefully it won't come to that."
Please update which teams will be on auto draft so everyone can prepare accordingly. Rules are rules
Key word being "PROPOSED". Was never voted on for this year.
5 – Any amendment to the league rules requires a vote by all owners of the league. A seventy five percent (75%) majority will automatically pass the amendment without the commissioner’s approval. If over two-thirds (67%) of the owners, but under seventy-five percent (75%) approve an amendment the commissioner will make the final ruling, with the good of the league in mind. In the proposed amendment fails to garner 67% of the league vote it will fail.
On a lighter topic, anyone want to guess the over/under on what round a team drafts Jason Heyward?
The line is round 5.
I call by round 2
Two great points here re: finances. I'll be honest with you, I have only received three checks thus far (Jimmy's Daddy, Lawndale Longhorns, and The SwinGERS). If this were the case, there would be 3 teams drafting tonight. Since we never did vote on it (and we want to be as accomodating as possible (this league is supposed to be fun, remember?) we cannot institute locking teams out of the draft. In an effort to get everyone's checks is, this is what I'm going to do.
On April 3, every team who's check is not in will be locked. You won't be able to set your lineups, drop/add players, etc.
Look, I know sending a check in isn't on the top of everyone's priority list and it's easy for it to fall by the wayside (I'm as guilty of that as anyone). Just get them in as soon as possible.
Thanks guys
I had just rolled my winnings over from last year toward this years dues. Can I get confirmation that I am in the clear.
I am usually very good with getting my money but due to circumstances out of my control I was unable.
It should be noted that I also have Bisho's entry fee to give to the Commish.
And for those that don't know I will be drafting my team from my hospital bed. Nothing can stop be from blowing up my team.
Playing catch up - love New Linc's post from earlier in the week especially given my first round pick. Given the lack of top line talent available this year and the serpentine draft I knew it would be difficult to get too much quality so I am looking to 2011 and beyond.
Wanted to also say I apologize for getting thrown off about how many picks I had. Obviously the draft tool has some kinks in it and I was thrown off by seeing my icon coming up and then getting "skipped". Let's remember this though for next year so we don't have guys asking questions in the middle of the draft that throws the rhythm off.
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