Hey guys!! This is the open thread for the e-mail I sent out earlier. Feel free to leave any questions, comments, or observations (as I am sure I left some details out).
UPDATE 3:01 CST-Fellas, your team rosters have now been fully updated (i.e. your keepers have been processed and any non-keepers were purged back into the free agent/draftee pool). You can now go to your team page and view your team as it looks right now (and figure out what positions are a priority). Still working on draft order.
UPDATE 2/20 9:40 AM CST- Just noticed that I assigned 5th round/free agent keepers to the one year category when they should be placed in the two year contract category. I will adjust that (along with contract year/credits).
Dont know about all of you, but I am pumped up about the upcoming season.
It feels just like yesterday when I was watching the Yankees celebrate the championship.
Nice to see the league preparing plenty in advance, kudos, PG. Let's have a good year.
Btw, was still hoping for live draft? Is that out?
I'm down with the live draft. Are we just "live" on the internet or are we gonna hunker down and get a private room at a Sports Bar or Heavenly Bodies....
We're definetly going to be live on the internet, but I believe it is going to be tough to get all parties together in the same room (champagne or otherwise).
Well my vote is for the Sunday evening affair. Then I can spend all day on Sunday preparing, and all post-draft drinking my sorrows away. Not to mention it's about as close to Opening Day as we can get.
Might I request a Sunday morning event? Its prime college basketball season, boys ... drafting during the tourney, especially late rounds, oy veh.
Anyone get a hand up for Sunday morning? That way you can get really hammered after the draft while drinking sorrows away because you won't feel the need to go to bed so quick ... I'm for the people here.
Unfortunately Church is on Sunday morning....
....okay, I won't be attending Church but I do have baseball on the weekends and might be out at the fields.
Sunday mornings are tough with the 10 month old running around.
Sunday nights are good, the later the better for me...
Live draft is also fun. We could actually get a web cam thing going if you all in Chicago get together and Rocky Mike and I get together. Just a thought..
I offered up my house to the Chicago contingent....otherwise I would be willing to travel to another location.
I hope everyone realizes that a "snake draft" is wrong to run in a keeper league.
By running a snake draft the top 3 teams from last season will each get 2 picks out of the Top 15, while the remaining 9 teams only get 1.
No professional, or amateur, draft in sports runs a snake draft. Instead they employ the standard draft which resets each round. Allowing the teams with the worst previous season records to have the most advantage on draft day.
I'm just saying....I'm all for the snake draft for initial league setup but any future years should allow for benefits not to the top teams but to the bottom teams in the spirit of parity.
I tend to agree with 3K on this (and I have a feeling that we're the only ones that are going to read this, 3K). The top 3 teams getting two of the first 15 picks is a compelling argument to have a standard draft. What does everyone else think/?
I agree. Standard draft after year one sounds about right.
Good morning gentlemen. Any time on Sunday works for me with regard to the draft.
As for the "snake draft" discussion, I'm cool with it being as it is. We do not have full control of our players in the sense that some of these contracts expire and we do not have the opportunity to re-sign players (like a team would normally have the chance to do). I am fine with that because the draft provides an opportunity to "re-stock" if you will. At the end of the day, the teams that finish in the lower tier of the previous season still have first crack at the "best" players and let's face it, the player pool is diminished because a good portion of players are under contract.
Spring Training Dig Alert - 3k was so far buried in the standings last year, he is trying to secure better draft picks for this season and future drafts.
As the team with the #4 pick it would benefit me if the draft was "traditional" and not serpentine.
If this goes to a vote you can guess what side I'll be on.
It's clearly obvious that there is a significant drop-off in talent in this years draft pool from 1st to 2nd and 3rd rounds. I'm just trying to wrap my head around the fact that the best teams from last year get 2 of the top 15 picks while the lesser teams only get 1 each.
It's rewarding the rich while punishing the poor.....maybe Bush still is in office??
seriously guys...are you kidding me? We can't change something like this, this close to the draft. If we didn't have contracts, it might make sense....but there are too many variables in play to make such an abrupt change. There is strategy that goes into trading future draft picks (like my 1st round pick is much less valuable than Cornholers)..etc. My other keeper league that we based this league on uses a snake draft, and it hasn't given any advatanges through 7 years.
we can do this all day...Tony, you have 3,22, and 27...so you get 3 of the top 27 players.
I have 11,14, and 35...so I have 3 of the top 35
We're in a tight spot here-
I agree with 3K that the best teams get 2 of the top 15 picks and the lower seeded teams only get 1. Bisho, ANY TEAM in this league would much rather have 2 of the top 15 picks rather than 3 of the top 35 (especially with the diminished talent pool). And you know it.
On the other hand there is something to be said about changing a rule like this (motherfuckers, why didn't you bring this up during the convention?).
On the other hand, this is still the offseason and it's not like we're doing this in the middle of our season.
I am going to defer to the league rules and proceed accordingly.
Expect an e-mail (and post) tomorrow where a vote will be taken.
Serpentine drafts are the essence of fantasy sports.
Bisho brings up a good point to all those reading that might have to vote, you can make those numbers any way you want as far as who comes out ahead. Why wouldn't it make sense that a team with a 1 rated player would not get to pick until the end of rnd 2? I believe the group is saying that's unfair in some way and I don't agree.
That said, I'll get by no matter what. I won't be that fired up if the vote is to change, just ask that no one jumps the gun without evaluating the standard fantasy system and why we would be right to go away from serpentine and the other 99% is wrong ...
Isn't the standard fantasy system you're referring to predicated on a one year league in which there are no keepers?
When it comes down to it, I don't care either way, but I do agree with 3K on this one (maybe it's because I'm the #2 pick, but I don't think that's the reason).
My guess is this is going to become a straight party line vote (1-6 voting for it, 7-12 voting against it). I can't remember what the tie breaker is.
BTW, I can't believe nobody has pointed out the fact that 3K and I actually agree on something. For no other reason, you should support us. League diplomacy demands it. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA
SIDENOTE-The word "serpentine" makes me laugh.
Funniest post from PG - "why didnt someone bring this up during the convention"
Are you referring to our 3 day convention that stalled on day 4 and we are still waiting on that finishing?????
I believe Yankee Mike is 2010's Mr. 3000.
Part of the convention process was getting input and ideas from the various general managers in the league. Got some great ideas from some GM's. All I heard was crickets chirping on your end. Come up with an original idea on your own, Yankee Mike, then come back and throw bombs.
Como stole my thunder.....it was never brought up at the convention because the fire alarm was pulled and everybody scurried to the hills.
Well lets just start by stating that a serpentine draft is only employed in fantasy sports. If it was such a fair and just system then professional sports would use such a system.
I do think there is a place for serpentine drafts in fantasy sports, especially because it levels the playing field throughout each round. I could even understand to retain a serpentine draft if our keeper league was only 2-4 players. If this was the case the talent pool in the draft would be rejuvenated every season.
But in our 10-year keeper league format, and with the advent that we retain so many players year-to-year our talent pool is very limited. Everyone should realize that out of the Top 60 Pitchers and Batters in fantasy sports there are only 10 available in the draft. The dropoff is significant! I might be able to take Jonathan Papelbon with my 3rd pick, but god forbid I need another pitcher because all I could possibly get would be Chad Qualls. Big dropoff.
My example may be poor, but what should be most important is that we should standardize the draft so that we don't have 2-3 teams that continually run away with the league each year.
In response to Bisho, just because you do it one way in a league doesn't it make it the only way. And I believe this is exactly the forum to bring this up and the rules of the league allow for exactly this. I don't have the rules in front of me but I believe the tie-breaker is the commissioner?
Let me also just say, it is great to see the blog alive again....it must be baseball season!!
According to the rules-
5-Any amendment to the league rules require a vote by all owners of the league. A 75% majority will AUTOMATICALLY pass the amendment without the commissioners approval. If over two thirds (67%) of the owners, but under 75% approve an amendment the comissioner will make the final ruling, with the good of the league in mind. If the proposed amendment fails to garner 67% of the league vote, it will fail.
An appeal can be made to the assistant commissioner if an owner feels that the commissioner did not act with the best interests of the league. If three or more owners appeal the same ruling, the assistant commissioner will rule on the issue and can overturn the commissioner's ruling if he feels that it was not made with the good of the league in mind.
With that, 75% of the vote is 9 votes. 67% of the vote is 8 votes. So if the vote does not get 8 votes in favor of a change to regular draft style rather than snake, it will fail.
let's vote
I'm in favor of a vote.
One of the things that you should have is sprinklers. In some windows, you might need a piece of plywood or particle board to mount your air conditioner or brackets on. Dry winter weather or enviornments can cause serious damage to acoustic guitars, in the form of cracks in the wood. You can't do that with the Frigidaire.
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